One of the first questions we ask when interviewing new clients is what is your personal style? Certainly we take into consideration the architectural style of the home as well as the natural surroundings when concepting but we also need to know what the clients style is! Apex Landscape believes it is a fundamental imperative to design an outdoor space to the clients specific tastes, in order to give them something that is uniquely theirs. Sometimes clients are not sure what they like or what their style is. This can be due to the fact no designer has ever asked them before. Or perhaps they have always just liked what they like and have never thought about the constant theme. Their taste and style can usually be observed when spending time with them but we also use questions and tools to accurately understand what it is they want out of the look of the project. One such tool is a design sheet. We provide these in different styles to help the client better visualize what it is they might be after.

We sometimes have clients whose tastes does not match the architecture of the home. This presents some fun design challenges We had a project like this a couple of years ago. Our clients had a very modern sensibility but their home was very rustic. We had to give them. Modern/Rustic! You can see more pics of this project on our facebook page. It is important to Apex Landscape to give you the design you have always dreamed of and is important to have the tools and resources to do so accurately!